4 Easy Ways To Improve Body Metabolism For Quick Skin Care. You'll Be Surprised at Finding Numbers # 4.

 4 cara mudah tingkatkan metabolisma badan untuk cepat kurus. anda pasti terkejut tengok cara nombor 4.
The body's metabolism system works to burn excess fat in the body. Sometimes we may see that people like to eat a lot but their bodies are slim, that is because their metabolism is high. Here we share 4 easy ways for body metabolism.

1. Drink Mineral Water Over 8 Glasses a Day
 Drinking 8 glasses of water or more recommended by a dietitian helps your body to function at optimum levels.

2. Perform Muscle Build Exercises
 Muscle or muscle is good for helping to burn fat so as to increase body muscle can increase your metabolism rate.

3. Spicy Food 
Perhaps many who do not know the content of capsaicin in chili can burn calories for up to 30 minutes after we eat it.

4. Sunshine 
The sunshine is good for your health and metabolism. Studies show that spending a long time in a dark and dark environment has the same physiological effects as you sleep or gain weight. The best time to get out is between 11 am and 3 pm. Relax briefly from office duties or get out of the house and walk outside. In addition to getting some sunshine you will also increase your heart rate and be able to breathe fresh air.

5. Green Tea 
The green contains polyphenols that can increase metabolic rate. You need to drink 4 or 5 cups a day to see the effect.

* Avoid eating at midnight or after 7pm because the body metabolism system is low at that time.
