(Tokyo Game Show 2017) More Information Related to Dragonball FighterZ With 3 New Characters

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Last week, Bandai Namco shared about the latest 3 characters that will arrive at the Dragonball FighterZ game. The three new characters are Yamcha, Tien Shinhan and the new character, Android 21 specially designed for the Dragonball fighterZ game. In conjunction with the Tokyo Game Show 2017 which lasted last week, Bandai Namco was able to share more information on the latest characters with the video trailer.

The main focus of the game Dragonball FighterZ is the newest character, Android 21 where he plays an important role for the storytelling of this game. Interestingly, Android 21 is specially designed for this game and supervised by Akira Toriyama, the original Dragonball series designer.

While the other two new characters announced are Yamcha and Tien Shinhan. Both of these characters will have battle techniques such as in the Dragonball anime series and for Tien Shinhan, he will be accompanied by the character of Chiaotzu.
Dragonball FighterZ will include a very in-game form where players are keen to compete competitively. But to ensure a balanced competitive advantage, the players are not able to modify the characters except the colorful costumes. In terms of other modifications, players are able to change characters while waiting in the lobby only.
Players can also interact with other players by using Z Stamp, where players can use Zstamp to give a word of enthusiasm while watching other players' matches and also make short sessions with various Z Stamps provided based on iconic anime Dragonball scenes. In terms of adding DLC, Bandai Namco still does not announce any future increments, but they may launch some DLC additions in the future.
Dragonball FighterZ will be launched in February 2018 for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.
