Thirty years ago when watching the science fiction series, the city of London. New York and Tokyo are often featured as the world's most modern cities. A fleet filled the space with robots through human trivial tasks. But we are now in 2017 and the most modern city in the world is Dubai. In line with its status as a futuristic city, a taxi service has been carried out this week.
Volocopter flight crew is the backbone of the Autonomous Air Taxi (AAT) service test. Volocopter
taxi is able to carry two passengers automatically with speed reaching
100 km / h and flight duration of up to 30 minutes. Each Volocopter is equipped with 18 fans driven by a fully electric motor.
Dubai targets by 2030, 25% of the city's traffic will be made by vehicles with automatic drive systems. Last week about 50 Tesla cars were converted into taxis in Dubai. With the use of electric vehicles and driving systems, pollution can be reduced in accordance with Islamic-minded hygiene.
Reference: Dubai
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