During the Honor V10 launch yesterday, Huawei showed their face scanning system to counter Apple's Face ID system. Not much information about it was known yesterday. Today the specs and capabilities of the face scan system are finally known.
First of all Huawei systems emit 300,000 dots on the user's face to produce a three-dimensional map. This is ten times more than the 30,000 found on Face ID. According to Huawei, the time taken to detect the face is 400 ms only. The front camera of the system also uses a higher resolution camera.
In addition to being used to unlock the device, Animoji system will also be supported. Because there are more points on the scanned face, Animoji Huawei's face movements are more detailed. Huawei also revealed that it would include a LIDAR system on the device's camera to allow it to scan 3D objects for use by AR applications. This makes it a second device after the Sony Xperia XZ1 has 3D scanning capabilities.
In addition to being used to unlock the device, Animoji system will also be supported. Because there are more points on the scanned face, Animoji Huawei's face movements are more detailed. Huawei also revealed that it would include a LIDAR system on the device's camera to allow it to scan 3D objects for use by AR applications. This makes it a second device after the Sony Xperia XZ1 has 3D scanning capabilities.
Source: Roland Quandt
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