Sony Xperia XZ & Xperia XZs Now Start Accepting Android 8.0 Oreo Update

Sony Xperia XZ
Sony is arguably one of the fastest growing manufacturers of software in offering software updates. After offering the Android 8.0 Oreo update for Xperia XZ Premium users, now Sony has also started offering the same updates for Sony Xperia XZ and Xperia XZs users.

This update is offered in stages for all users, and has a size of 1.2GB. It offers a bit of updates on the interface, easy access to apps, Autofill features that make it easy for you to input in forms on the web, Picture-in-Picture support, and a whole host of other new features. For those of you using Xperia XZ or Xperia XZs devices, check for updates on your device today.

Reference: Sony 
