More pictures are taken in a day by humans now compared to the first 100 years of photographic technology. It is estimated that in 2017 alone, 1.7 Trillion pictures will be taken. This is all because there is a camera on every mobile phone. Technology has grown with picture quality on smart devices good enough to be used for film recording and prestigious magazine front cover.
Google wants to further promote camera use creatively on smart devices. Three apps have been launched today, namely Storyboard, Selfissimo! and Scrubbies. The Storyboard transforms the videos captured automatically into one face comic. The app chooses a draw and appeals one of the six filters automatically. This app is only for Android.

Selfissimo! from the name you might be guessing is a selfie app. It encourages consumers to perform various styles. Black and white images are taken as soon as the user stops moving. Various pictures of different styles can be taken before they are arranged in a 3 × 4 grid. This app is built for Android and iOS.

Lastly, Scrubbies allows the video to play fast, slowly, forward or backward according to the user's screen. This can then be exported to share to any optional platform. For now Scrubbies is only produced for iOS.
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