With the launch of the Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT that is about to arrive on January 30, 2018, Square-Enix today shows the latest trailer for the game by displaying all the list of characters that can be played when it launches later.
There are a total of 28 characters that can be played in the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT game and the 28 characters are characters from the Final Fantasy series from Final Fantasy I to Final Fantasy XV. The characters listed are:
- Warrior of Light ( Final Fantasy )
- Garland ( Final Fantasy )
- Firion ( Final Fantasy II )
- The Emperor ( Final Fantasy II )
- Onion Knight ( Final Fantasy III )
- Cloud of Darkness ( Final Fantasy III )
- Cecil ( Final Fantasy IV )
- Kain ( Final Fantasy IV )
- Golbez ( Final Fantasy IV )
- Bartz ( Final Fantasy V )
- Exdeath ( Final Fantasy V )
- Terra ( Final Fantasy VI )
- Kefka ( Final Fantasy VI )
- Cloud ( Final Fantasy VII )
- Sephiroth ( Final Fantasy VII )
- Squall ( Final Fantasy VIII )
- Ultimecia ( Final Fantasy VIII )
- Zidane ( Final Fantasy IX )
- Kuja ( Final Fantasy IX )
- Tidus ( Final Fantasy X )
- Jecht ( Final Fantasy X )
- Shantotto ( Final Fantasy XI )
- Vaan ( Final Fantasy XII )
- Lightning ( Final Fantasy XIII )
- Y’shtola ( Final Fantasy XIV )
- Noctis ( Final Fantasy XV )
- Ace ( Final Fantasy Type-O )
- Ramza ( Final Fantasy Tactics )
At the same time, Square-Enix also shared a list of 7 Summons characters that will arrive at the game, namely:
- Alexander
- Ifrit
- Leviathan
- Odin
- Ramuh
- Shiva
- Bahamut
In August, Square-Enix shared about the game's season pass which will include a total of 6 additional characters in the future as well as we may receive some new characters as DLC additions in the future.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is a match game developed by Team Ninja and released by Square-Enix. The game contains characters from the Final Fantasy series and it will be launched on January 30, 2018 at the Playstation 4. You can pre-order this game from any official distributor as well as at PSN Store's online store.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is a match game developed by Team Ninja and released by Square-Enix. The game contains characters from the Final Fantasy series and it will be launched on January 30, 2018 at the Playstation 4. You can pre-order this game from any official distributor as well as at PSN Store's online store.

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