At the Comic Con event held in India at the end of this week, OnePlus is seen to take the opportunity and has shown a variant of the new OnePlus 5T, the OnePlus 5T Star Wars edition. OnePlus is expected to offer this smartphone in conjunction with Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie to be aired later this year.
It is expected to offer the same specifications as the OnePlus 5T regular edition, but offers a difference in cosmetics. This includes the use of the white body case behind, including the Star Wars logo, the black front, and buttons with black and red combinations.
It is also expected to include some special content with Star Wars themed. Star Wars edition OnePlus 5T is expected to be limited in India only at this time. More information about it may shown next week.
It is also expected to include some special content with Star Wars themed. Star Wars edition OnePlus 5T is expected to be limited in India only at this time. More information about it may shown next week.
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