Our backpacks are used daily to carry various devices, chargers, power banks, headphones and laptops. Daily necessities cause all of the above items to be carried out due to work. On the market now there are many backpacking bags designed for the modern consumer smart life. Visvo Novel is another smart backpack with a unique magnetic strap function that can capture Apple AirPods that fall from the ear.
Magnet on the top of the bag strap is strong enough to keep AirPods fallen straight to the floor if it drops from the ear. It can also work to ensure normal wired earphones can be kept meticulously when not worn.
In addition, Visvo Novel also features a built-in powerbank with a USB port in a strategic position. The user can charge the device when the bag is being easily loaded. There is a side pocket with Qi wireless charging system.
In addition, Visvo Novel also features a built-in powerbank with a USB port in a strategic position. The user can charge the device when the bag is being easily loaded. There is a side pocket with Qi wireless charging system.
The lower part is equipped with a rubber panel that absorbs the shock. The LED lights on the ropes and back ensure the user can be seen at night. Lamps are also included on the inside of the bag to facilitate finding objects in the dark. Finally GPS sensors can also be used if necessary.
Visvo's smart purse Novel is collecting funds through the Kickstarter and can be purchased at a price starting € 249 for the basic model.
Visvo's smart purse Novel is collecting funds through the Kickstarter and can be purchased at a price starting € 249 for the basic model.
Source: Visvo Novel
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