Samsung on their device was previously available to include eye scan support. Now, moving forward, through the upcoming Galaxy S9 in February 2018, Samsung is seen to be present with a new feature called Intelligent Scan.
This new feature is found on Samsung's settings application. But, until now, Samsung has never announced this new feature officially.
From the description found, Intelligent Scan is said to combine the use of eye scans and facial scans - as well as offering good results regardless of bright or dark conditions.
This new feature is found on Samsung's settings application. But, until now, Samsung has never announced this new feature officially.
From the description found, Intelligent Scan is said to combine the use of eye scans and facial scans - as well as offering good results regardless of bright or dark conditions.
With the combined use of these two scans, it is expected to offer greater convenience to consumers - in addition to the strength of higher security than custom.
At the moment, Samsung does not release any comments related to it. Could it be with the popularity of unlocking the device with increasingly popular faces, Samsung will introduce this new feature along with Galaxy S9 later?
At the moment, Samsung does not release any comments related to it. Could it be with the popularity of unlocking the device with increasingly popular faces, Samsung will introduce this new feature along with Galaxy S9 later?
Source: AndroidPolice
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