Intel is a familiar name in the computing chip production line. Now, with the popularity of smart intelligence and robotics, Intel is moving along, and now announces they are developing a chip that immerses how the human brain learns and understands something.
Intel called it neuromorphic processing, and an early prototype chip called it "Loihi". This prototype chip will learn independently through the various data offered to it - much less like our brain.
According to Intel, this prototype chip succeeded in identifying objects within just a few weeks. These chips are said to include digital circuits that offer human-like operations. By combining everything in one chip, it makes machine learning more efficient than today's ordinary chip usage.
According to Intel, this prototype chip succeeded in identifying objects within just a few weeks. These chips are said to include digital circuits that offer human-like operations. By combining everything in one chip, it makes machine learning more efficient than today's ordinary chip usage.
Currently, the chips are still at the prototype level and Intel is expected to share it with universities and various institutions this year - bringing the artificial intelligence and robotic arenas one step forward. In the future, we may see this chip used in industries and equipment that require various calculations and decisions to be done quickly - as in automotive arena, robotics and so on.
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