Less than a month before Samsung Galaxy S9 officially launched. Various information on new designs, specifications and functionality has been leaked much earlier. Among the functions to be introduced are the camera opening which can be modified according to certain lighting situations.
Galaxy S9's main camera can be changed its value from f / 2.4 to f / 1.5 using the mechanical system first used on the Samsung W2018.
The above video shows this system works on a Samsung W2018. The open-ended system used is similar to those found on DSLR / Mirrorless cameras. The time taken for the change of size changes too fast. How good is this system compared to existing systems will only be known when we review the Galaxy S9 later.
The above video shows this system works on a Samsung W2018. The open-ended system used is similar to those found on DSLR / Mirrorless cameras. The time taken for the change of size changes too fast. How good is this system compared to existing systems will only be known when we review the Galaxy S9 later.
Source: Droid Life
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