Processor chips on smartphones and now on laptops use technology generated by ARM. They have announced their new CPU, GPU and VPU today at their Techday 2018 event.

We start with the CPU Cortex A76 which gives up to 35% increase over the Cortex A75 found on Snpadragon 845 but reduces energy consumption up to 40%. ARM promises processing capabilities like "laptop class" on this CPU. It is also produced using 7nm FinFET technology.

Next is the Mali G76 GPU that promises 30% increase in processing power and 30% power savings compared to Mali G72 used on Exynos 9810 and Kirin 970. It also shows an increase of up to 2.7 times for machine learning.

Finally, the VPU Mali V76 is used to process the video function on the device. It supports playing video in 60KPS 8K setting or streaming 4K 60FPS content. This also means it can stream 16 concurrent 1080P content if necessary.
The video quality also increased by twice as much as the size of VPU was reduced by 40%. These three CPUs, GPUs and VPUs will certainly have an exciting impact on the world of mobile devices in 2019.
The video quality also increased by twice as much as the size of VPU was reduced by 40%. These three CPUs, GPUs and VPUs will certainly have an exciting impact on the world of mobile devices in 2019.
Reference: ARM
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