8 Simple Recipes For Detox

8 resipi mudah untuk detoks 
Detox is the process of removal of toxic substances or waste from the human body. Here's what i want to share 8 simple recipes for detox

1. Orange, Lemon, Ginger 

Orange fruit helps in healthy blood circulation. Lemon also helps in digestion (refreshing breath), and good ginger for the immune system.

Cucumber, Raspberry, Wine 
Cucumber is hydrating and removing toxins. Raspberries have anti-inflammatory properties, and wine content against cancer and cleansing compounds.

3. Rhubarb, Apple,
Rhubarb contains vitamin K to help blood clots and apples maintain bone and body tissue health. Cinnamon is one of the effective herbs as body metabolism boosters.

Strawberry, Lime 
Strawberries full of anti-oxidants and lime are excellent as anti-aging weapons due to the remedies for hair, skin and nails.

Pineapple, Mint Leaves 
Pineapple is an anti-inflammatory substance that helps relieve joint pain and arthritis, and mint leaves support the digestive system by activating salivary glands and digestive enzymes.

6. Green Tea, Mint Leaves, Lime

 It's good for burning fat, digestion, headache and eliminating bad breath.

Strawberry, Kiwi 
Good for cardiovascular, bowel protection and blood sugar cycle.

Cucumber, Lime, Lemon
Suitable for controlling nasfu eating, hydrating, abdominal bloating and skin-tight.
